How Weblogs Can Help Realtors

What is a weblog, well simply put a weblog is a journal that is kept online. In its simplest form a weblog will have an article every day or week that says what the person is doing.

A great way the weblogs are now being utilised is as a marketing device that allows a person to market directly to their customer without the hassles of Resep Makanan Indonesia or especially direct mail. Just off the top of my head I can tell you what kind of information can be included in these weblog articles: info on new market trends, personal achievements, buyer and seller success stories, personal stories to personalize yoou to youor public. How else can you do this? With a website you would have to update it often and a weblog is built for this so there is no hassle. With direct mail such as newsletters you would have a high cost to send and a time lag to customer seeing it where with a weblog it is instantly accessible and free to post, and finally with email newsletters you have to keep track of a list and if you sent to them every day you would run into trouble with keeping a good list when everyone is being buried by your emails and think of them as spam.

No matter where you are at with your online presence you can take advantage of the power of weblogs. If you have a web hosting package that includes a weblog , great. Otherwise if you would like to get a weblog you can get one for free at Blogger.

The next question is how to get the word out about your weblog. First of all each one of your posts is treated as an article and will be indexed by the search engines if it is good content. So make sure that your posts have great content. The next thing you can do is go to some of the indexes and let them know about your weblog.

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