Tips For Easy Maintenance For Glass Subway Mosaic Tiles

Glass may seem delicate and prone to damages. However, glass is one of the strongest materials for building construction. The construction-grade glass is a durable material that is known for its superior impact- and scratch-resistance. This type of glass is used as tile to create wonderful-looking walls and floors in indoor and outdoor applications.

Glass subway tiles make a great material for indoor walls, and for flooring as well. With these tiles – that are a tasteful blend of hardwearing glass and other materials natural stones, ceramics, steel, etc. – homeowners have the advantage to create scintillating aesthetic environment.

Glass Subway Tile Maintenance

Do you have glass subway tiles on your indoor walls, backsplash, or shower surround? This article uncovers some of the useful tips and tricks to help you clean and maintain your glass subway mosaic tiles. See the following pointers –

  • It is a non-porous surface. So there are no chances that dust or spills will cause permanent staining. Even if there are stains, you can rid of them easily.
  • To remove stubborn, hard, and dried spills, use a damp cloth or towel. Rub the stain with it. And it shall come off.
  • If the dried spill doesn't go off, dampen the cloth in warm (or warm soapy) water.
  • Some stains are so strong that they will not go easily. You could use clear vinegar to remove such spills.
  • Never use hard, abrasive, or wired brush on your glass subway tiles. They will tear away the upper surface of your tile.
  • It is advisable to clean your glass mosaic tiles with non-abrasive cleaner and brush.
  • Trying to remove some food item (such as soy, rice, gum, etc.) spilled and dried on your glass subway backsplash? Remove it using a plastic knife or spatula. You could use a blunt wooden knife as well. Make sure no pointed item should be used on glass tiles or mosaics.
  • Technically, glass subway tiles are highly resistant to stains, scratches and stains. But that does not mean, they should be abused on purpose. Removing all the spills immediately is desirable. Additionally, do not use hammer or other heavy tools directly on your tiles. It can potentially damage your glass mosaic tiles.
  • Do not push heavy furniture near the walls that have glass subway tiles. Ensure that no heavy object is thrown forcefully towards the glass tiles.
  • There is no need use sealant on these 東京 タイル貼り .
  • To maintain the new-like shine, do not let water drops stay and dry on the tiles. After every round of cleaning, rinse the tile and wipe and dry it with a clean try cloth. Do not use chemicals for cleaning and stain removal.

If there is a scratching on your tile, you can fix it by grinding the surface down to the level of scratch. After that, you can apply the polish over it and fix the damage permanently.

Glass subway tiles offer care-free, hassle-free maintenance. The cost of the maintenance is not really burden on your budget. If you are looking to add some light and shine in your indoor areas, this is the material to use on your walls.

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